If you wish to track additional services, this article explains how to add a custom Service alert into the application.
Run the following script against the Syskit Insights database.
INSERT INTO [Alerts].[AlertDefinitions] (FarmId, Name, IgnorePeriod, Type, Configuration, Enabled, SendToDefaultEmail, SendToAdditionalEmails, AdditionalEmailRecipients)
SELECT Farm.ID,'{AlertName}',30,1, '<SearchServiceCheckConfig xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SysKit.Insights.Business.Alerting.CreateConfigurations">
<ServiceNameToCheck>-- SERVICE NAME HERE ---</ServiceNameToCheck></SearchServiceCheckConfig>', 1, 1, 0, ''From [dbo].[Farms] as FarmWHERE Farm.Name = '{FarmName}'
Replace the properties in curly brackets (AlertName and FarmName) and input the Service name you wish to start tracking. Most common request we have been receiving is to add a Workflow Manager Service. In that case you would input: WorkflowServiceBackend as that is the service name.
If you require more assistance with this issue, don't hesitate to ask us.