Create Custom Best Practices Reports

This describes how SharePoint administrators and consultants can use SPDocKit Consultant to create Best Practices reports for a SharePoint Farm.

In this guide, we will show you how you can build a report that counts the number of content databases per Web application.

  1. After loading/importing a snapshot, go to the Best Practices tab in your navigation bar. To create a custom report, click New.

  2. The Best Practice wizard will open. Type in the Name and the Description of your new report. Select a Location and then click Next to continue.

  3. Choose the Data Source from the list. For the purposes of this report, select Farm > Application Management > Databases > Content Databases, and then click Next to continue.

  4. Select the fields you want to include in your report. The fields offered depend on your Data Source selection from the previous step. For this report, choose Database Name and Web Application. Click Next to continue.

  5. Once you have selected your fields, choose how your data will be grouped. For this report,group data by the Web Application name field. Click Next to continue.

  6. Choose the Aggregation Type Count. Click Next to continue.

  7. You can choose the sorting order and specify the order of your fields. In this case, we are going to choose Ascending. Click Next to continue.

  8. Select the fields where you want to apply the formatting. You can edit the conditional formatting rules by clicking the underlined value specific. For this report, select the field COUNT (Database Name). Click Next to continue.

  9. Enter the preferred values and formatting rules. Click OK. In this case, we will adjust the values so that when the number of databases per Web application is over 300, the report will show an error. If the value is between 250 and 300, the report will show a warning, and if the value is less than 250 the report will give a positive result.

  10. You can add conditions to filter data. Click the underlined value specific to edit the conditions. For example, when the condition Does Not Contain is selected, the report will not show Web applications that contain an entered value in their names. For this case, enter "Central Administration" to filter out that Web application from the report.

  11. Click Next, then click Finish to close the wizard. Wait a few seconds and your SharePoint Best Practice report will be created!

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