This check determines whether all user profile services are running in the farm.
The User Profile service is a shared service in SharePoint Server 2013 that enables the creation and administration of user profiles that can be accessed from multiple sites and farms. Using Profile Synchronization, SharePoint Server 2013 enables User Profile service administrators to synchronize user and group profile information stored in the SharePoint Server 2013 profile store with profile information stored in directory services and business systems across the enterprise.
Not running user profile services will result in non-functioning social features and SharePoint apps. It will also affect any third-party code that implements features depending on the SharePoint user profiles or SharePoint social features.
Make sure that all user profile services are running on one or more servers. Provisioning User Profile service on more than one server will ensure high service availability. Note that you can provision only one instance of User Profile Synchronization service.
To verify that the service application is created, please go to the Central Administration > Application Management > Manage service applications. To verify that the service instances are started and configured properly, go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage services on server.
This script retrieves the health status of all User Profile Service Applications. It checks the following:
at least one User Profile Service Application is provisioned
all User Profile Service Applications have an User Profile Synchronization service instance provisioned
all User Profile Service Applications have at least one User Profile Service instance provisioned
status of the running profile synchronization jobs. If running longer than a defined threshold, it will display a warning message (default: 24h).
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Checking User Profile Service Applications... " -NoNewLine
$upaCol = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.TypeName -eq "User Profile Service Application" }
$upasync = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -eq "User Profile Synchronization Service" -and $_.Status -eq "Online"}
if ($upaCol -ne $null)
Write-Host "$($upaCol.Count) found!" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "========================================================================="
foreach ($upa in $upaCol)
Write-Host "User Profile Service Application: $($upa.DisplayName)"
Write-Host "UPA Sync: " -NoNewLine
if (($upasync | where {$_.UserProfileApplicationGuid -eq $upa.Id}) -eq $null)
Write-Host "not provisioned" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "provisioned, healthy" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "User Profile Service instances: " -NoNewLine
$upasvcCount = [int]$($upa.ServiceInstances | where {$_.Status -eq "Online"}).Count
switch ($upaSvcCount)
0 {Write-Host "none found" -ForegroundColor Red}
1 {Write-Host "1 found. Consider deploying additional instance for high availability." -ForegroundColor Yellow}
default {Write-Host "$upaSvcCount" -ForegroundColor Green}
Write-Host "Checking profile synchronization status: " -NoNewLine
if ($upa.IsSynchronizationRunning)
# check if running for more hours than specified in the threshold
Write-Host ""
$upaTimerJob = Get-SPTimerJob | Where {$_.DisplayName -eq "$($upa.DisplayName) - User Profile Incremental Synchronization"}
if ($upaTimerJob -eq $null)
Write-Host "Profile synchronization is running but the user profile synchronization timer job could not be found." -ForegroundColor Red
$runningTime = [datetime]::Now - ($upaTimerJob.SynchronizationStatus | where {$_.Stage -eq "StartSynchronization"}).BeginTime
if ($runningTime.TotalHours -gt $UPASyncRunningThreshold)
Write-Host "Running for more than $UPASyncRunningThreshold" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Running since $(($upaTimerJob.SynchronizationStatus | where {$_.Stage -eq "StartSynchronization"}).BeginTime) ($($runningTime.ToString()))." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "You may consider checking the synchronization job." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Running since $(($upaTimerJob.SynchronizationStatus | where {$_.Stage -eq "StartSynchronization"}).BeginTime) ($($runningTime.ToString()))." -ForegroundColor Green
# still green
Write-Host "idle" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "========================================================================="
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "None found!" -ForegroundColor Red
Additional information
Additional information can be found in the following TechNet articles: