This article lists all commands available in the SPDocKit PowerShell Module and explains how to use them.
As explained in the create snapshot article there are two ways of creating a snapshot on your clients farm. Using either the SPDocKit Snapshot Wizard - Consultant or the SPDocKit PowerShell Module.
If you decided to use a PowerShell Module, here is a list of all the available commands. You can also view them in the PowerShell console it self, by running:
General information on how to create a snapshot can be viewed [here]../how-to/
If you need further assistance, please contact us.
Crawls the SharePoint farm, creating a snapshot file containing the current state of the farm's configuration at the specified location. The created file can then be used by SPDocKit Consultant to browse the configuration and document it. Note that this process might take a while, depending on the farm size and the settings selected.
By default, the New-SPDocKitSnapshot cmdlet does a full load of a SharePoint farm and creates the snapshot file in the current working directory. You can exclude the load of some settings by specifying the corresponding parameter.
Errors that occur will be logged in the Windows Event Log with the source SPDocKit PS.
————————EXAMPLE1————————New-SPDocKitSnapshotDoesafullloadoftheSharePointfarmandcreatesasnapshotfileinthedefaultlocation (current workingdirectory).————————EXAMPLE2————————New-SPDocKitSnapshot-PersonalSitesOff-DatabasePermissionsOff-threads8-location"C:\spdockit\" Skips personal sites and does not load database permissions, using 8 threads for parallel load. Saves the snapshot file to "C:\spdockit\" folder.————————EXAMPLE3————————New-SPDocKitSnapshot-noFeats-noUpdates-noIIS-noSQLExcludesfeaturesandsolutions,programsandupdates,IISsettingsandSQLServerconfigurationfromaload,usingaliasesinsteadoffullnamedparameters.————————EXAMPLE4————————New-SPDocKitSnapshot-globalTimeout3000-FarmAccessTimeout500Setstheserverglobaltimeoutto3000seconds,farmaccesstimeoutto500secondsanddoesafullloadoftheSharePointfarm,savingthesnapshotfiletothedefaultlocation (current workingdirectory).