SPDocKit 9.1.0

This article describes improvements and bug fixes delivered in SPDocKit 9.1.0.

SPDocKit 9.1.0 is a minor release containing a couple of features, improvements and bug fixes.

Product version: 9.1.0 Build number: 11206 Release date: Sep 05, 2019

Click here to download the new release.


  • New CSV exporting is available! You can now export the Audit Log Overview and Audit Log Details report to a CSV file. It is also possible to define a CSV file format in subscriptions and alerts of the before mentioned reports to get them automatically delivered in your mail or sent to a shared folder.


  • Improved behavior of the Inactive Subsites report. Previously, the report showed inactive sites based on the date they were last accessed by a visitor. Now, an additional date is being considered in the report - the Last Content Modified date.

  • Improved descriptions and info bar messages on the Inactive Subsites and Unmodified List reports. We added more details on how the data is retrieved, and what to do in case the report is showing incomplete or seemingly erroneous information.

  • Improved messages on the Search analytics reports. Since these reports are not supported in SharePoint 2010 environments, an appropriate message will now appear to state that fact.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the following error occurred when taking a snapshot: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type int. Arithmetic overflow occurred. This resulted in missing data in the snapshot, and likewise in the reports. To resolve the issue, the ID column in SharePointObjectContentType table was set to bigint datatype.

  • Fixed a bug with Role Based Security where the Analytics Dashboard and Farm Analytics reports were visible in the navigation but resulted in an error when accessed by the Site Collection admins. These reports are now visible only for users with the Admin role assigned.

  • Fixed an issue where site collection admins couldn't access the All Site Collection Users permission report when Role Based Security was enabled.

  • Fixed a bug with the SharePoint analytics job, which would, when ran on SharePoint 2010 farms, result in the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'RequestManagementRoutedServerUrl'. Invalid column name 'RequestManagementThrottled'. Hence, SharePoint analytics data was not being collected, consequently leading to inaccurate reports.

  • Fixed a bug with the Directly Assigned Permissions report showing incomplete data in case the SharePoint Objects filter was set to the Subsite or Lists level.

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when resolving local group memberships when the group contained deleted users from trusted forests. The bug would cause the local groups to appear empty. The following error was thrown: Error while resolving memberships for group <groupName> on the <serverName> server. System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalOperationException: An error (1332) occurred while enumerating the group membership. The member’s SID could not be resolved.

  • Fixed an issue where a document/list item URL was not correctly created for specific types of lists in host-named site collections. This caused a 404 error when opening items in a browser through the View in SharePoint option in Permissions Explorer.

  • Fixed a bug where the Health Analyzer Problems report erroneously displayed the date and time value in the Last Modified column. Instead of the actual value, ‘1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM’ was displayed as the date and time.

  • Fixed a bug with the cleanup reports. The “clean” portion of the reports stopped working when we changed some column names. That is now fixed, and everything works as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where the Audit Dashboard would cause the following error: System.InvalidOperationException: The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type's generic parameter or the query must use a nullable type.

Last updated

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