This article lists the currently supported Teams reports with all of the properties that Syskit Point loads.
Calling Policies
Name of the Teams Calling Policy.
Allow Private Calling
Controls all calling capabilities in Teams. Turning this off will turn off all calling functionality in Teams. If you use Skype for Business for calling, this policy will not affect calling functionality in Skype for Business.
Allow Voicemail
Enables inbound calls to be routed to voice mail. Valid options are: AlwaysEnabled, AlwaysDisabled, UserOverride.
Allow Call Groups
Enables inbound calls to be routed to call groups.
Allow Delegation
Enables inbound calls to be routed to delegates; allows delegates to make outbound calls on behalf of the users for whom they have delegated permissions.
Allow Call Forwarding To User
Enables call forwarding or simultaneous ringing of inbound calls to other users in the tenant.
Allow Call Forwarding To Phone
Enables call forwarding or simultaneous ringing of inbound calls to any phone number.
Prevent Toll Bypass
Setting this property to True will send calls through PSTN and incur charges rather than going through the network and bypassing the tolls.
Busy On Busy Enabled Type
Setting this property lets you configure how incoming calls are handled when a user is already in a call or conference or has a call placed on hold. New or incoming calls will be rejected with a busy signal. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Description of the Teams Calling Policy.
Allow Web PSTN Calling
Allows PSTN calling from the Team web client.
Music On Hold Enabled Type
Setting this property allows you to turn on or turn off music on hold when a PSTN caller is placed on hold. It is turned on by default. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride. For now setting the value to UserOverride is the same as Enabled. This setting does not apply to call park and SLA boss delegate features. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride.
Safe Transfer Enabled
This property is not available for use. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride.
Allow Cloud Recording For Calls
A value of True will allow 1:1 Calls to be recorded.
Allow Transcriptionfor Calling
Determines whether post-meeting captions and transcriptions are allowed in a user's meetings. Set this to TRUE to allow. Set this to FALSE to prohibit.
Live Captions Enabled Type For Calling
Determines whether real-time captions are available for the user in Teams meetings. Set this to DisabledUserOverride to allow user to turn on live captions. Set this to Disabled to prohibit.
Auto Answer Enabled Type
This setting allows the tenant admin to enable or disable the Auto-Answer setting. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Spam Filtering Enabled Type
Setting this property determines whether calls identified as Spam will be rejected or not (probably). Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Channels Policies
Identity of the Teams Channel Policy.
Description of the Teams Channel Policy.
Allow Org Wide Team Creation
Determines whether a user is allowed to create an org-wide team.
Allow Private Team Discovery
Determines whether a user is allowed to discover private teams in suggestions and search results.
Allow Private Channel Creation
Determines whether a user is allowed to create a private channel.
Emergency Call Routing Policies
Identity of the Teams Emergency Call Routing Policy.
Description of the Teams Emergency Call Routing Policy.
Allow Enhanced Emergency Services
Flag to enable Enhanced Emergency Services.
Emergency Calling Policies
Identity of the Teams Emergency Calling Policy.
Description of the Teams Emergency Calling Policy.
Notification Dial Out Number
This property represents PSTN number which can be dialed out if 'Notification Mode' is set to either of the two Conference values.
Notification Group
NotificationGroup is a email list of users and groups to be notified of an emergency call.
Notification Mode
The type of conference experience for security desk notification.
Live Events Policies
The identifier of the Teams Meeting Broadcast Policy.
Allow Broadcast Scheduling
Specifies whether this user can create broadcast events in Teams. This settng impacts broadcasts that use both self-service and external encoder production methods.
Allow Broadcast Transcription
Specifies whether real-time transcription and translation can be enabled in the broadcast event. Note: this setting is applicable to broadcast events that use Teams Meeting production only and does not apply when external encoder is used as production method.
Broadcast Attendee Visibility Mode
Specifies the attendee visibility mode of the broadcast events created by this user. This setting controls who can watch the broadcast event - e.g. anyone can watch this event including anonymous users or only authenticated users in my company can watch the event. Note: this setting is applicable to broadcast events that use Teams Meeting production only and does not apply when external encoder is used as production method.
Broadcast Recording Mode
Specifies whether broadcast events created by this user are always recorded, never recorded or user can choose whether to record or not. Note: this setting is applicable to broadcast events that use Teams Meeting production only and does not apply when external encoder is used as production method.
Live Events Settings
Support URL
Specifies a URL where broadcast event attendees can find support information or FAQs specific to that event. The URL will be displayed to the attendees during the broadcast.
Allow Sdn Provider For Broadcast Meeting
If set to True, Teams meeting broadcast streams are enabled to take advantage of the network and bandwidth management capabilities of the Software Defined Network (SDN) provider.
Sdn Provider Name
Specifies the Software Defined Network (SDN) provider's name. This property is only required if 'Allow Sdn Provider For Broadcast Meeting' is set to True.
Sdn License Id
Specifies the Software Defined Network (SDN) license identifier. This is required and provided by some SDN providers. This property is only required if 'Allow Sdn Provider For Broadcast Meeting' is set to True.
Sdn Api Template Url
Specifies the Software Defined Network (SDN) provider's HTTP API endpoint. This information is provided by the SDN provider. This property is only required if 'Allow Sdn Provider For Broadcast Meeting' is set to True.
Meeting Policies
Name of the Teams Meeting Policy.
Description of the Teams Meeting Policy.
Allow Channel Meeting Scheduling
Determines whether a user can schedule channel meetings. Note this only restricts from scheduling and not from joining a meeting scheduled by another user.
Allow Meet Now
Determines whether a user can start ad-hoc meetings.
Allow IP Video
Determines whether video is enabled in a user's meetings or calls.
Allow Anonymous Users To Start Meeting
Determines whether anonymous users can initiate a meeting.
Allow Private Meeting Scheduling
Determines whether a user can schedule private meetings. Note this only restricts from scheduling and not from joining a meeting scheduled by another user.
Auto Admitted Users
Determines what types of participants will automatically be added to meetings organized by this user. EveryoneInCompany specifies that every external user is placed in the lobby but all users in the company are allowed to join the meeting immediately. Everyone admits anonymous users by default. EveryoneInSameAndFederatedCompany specifies that federated users are allowed to join like company's users, but all other external users are placed in a lobby.
Allow Cloud Recording
Determines whether cloud recording is allowed in a user's meetings.
Allow Outlook Add In
Determines whether a user can schedule Teams Meetings in Outlook desktop client.
Allow PowerPoint Sharing
Determines whether Powerpoint sharing is allowed in a user's meetings. Set this to TRUE to allow. Set this to FALSE to prohibit.
Allow Participant Give Request Control
Determines whether participants can request or give control of screen sharing during meetings scheduled by this user.
Allow External Participant Give Request Control
Determines whether external participants can request or give control of screen sharing during meetings scheduled by this user.
Allow Shared Notes
Determines whether users are allowed to take shared notes.
Allow Whiteboard
Determines whether whiteboard is allowed in a user's meetings.
Allow Transcription
Determines whether real-time and/or post-meeting captions and transcriptions are allowed in a user's meetings.
Media Bit Rate Kb
Determines the media bit rate for audio/video/app sharing transmissions in meetings.
Screen Sharing Mode
Determines the mode in which a user can share a screen in calls or meetings. SingleApplication allows a user to share an application at a given point in time. EntireScreen allow a user to share anything on their screens. Disabled prohibits users from sharing their screens.
Allow PSTN Users To Bypass Lobby
Determines whether PSTN users should be automatically admitted to the meetings. A value of TRUE allows the PSTN user to be able bypass the meetinglobby. FALSE prohibits the PSTN user from bypassing the meetinglobby.
Allow Private Meet Now
Determines whether a user can start private ad-hoc meetings. A value of TRUE allows a user to start private ad-hoc meetings. FALSE prohibits the user from starting private ad-hoc meetings.
Meeting Chat Enabled Type
Determines whether or not Chat will be enabled or disabled for meetings.
Live Captions Enabled Type
Determines whether a user should have the option to view live captions or not in a meeting.
Allow IP Audio
Determines whether audio is enabled in a user's meetings or calls. Set this to TRUE to allow the user to share their audioo. Set this to FALSE to prohibit the user from sharing their audio.
Allow Engagement Report
Determines whether or not a meeting Organizer can track join and leave times for all users within their meetings as well as download a roster.
IP Audio Mode
Determines whether or not a user can use audio in a meeting that supports it.
IP Video Mode
Determines whether or not a user can use video in a meeting that supports it. Can only be enabled if 'IP Audio Mode' is enabled.
Allow Anonymous Users To Dial Out
CURRENTLY DISABLED: Determines whether anonymous users can use the Call Me At feature for meeting audio.
Allow Recording Storage Outside Region
Determines whether cloud recording can be stored out of region for go-local tenants where recording is not yet enabled.
Designated Presenter Role Mode
Determines if users can change the default value of the Who can present? setting in Meeting options in the Teams client. This policy setting affects all meetings, including Meet Now meetings.
Recording Storage Mode
Determines whether recordings will be stored in Stream or OneDrive for Business.
Video Filters Mode
Determines which background filters are available to meeting attendees.
Allow Organizers To Override Lobby Settings
Determines whether organizers can override lobby settings for both VOIP and PSTN.
Preferred Meeting Provider For Islands Mode
Determines which Outlook Add-in the user will get as preferred Meeting provider(TeamsAndSfb or Teams).
Allow NDI Streaming
Determines whether a user is able to use NDI (Network Device Interface) in meetings - both for output and input streams.
Allow User To Join External Meeting
Determines what types of external meetings users can join. Enabled is able join all external meetings.
Enroll User Override
Determines whether or not users will be able to enroll/capture their Biometric data: Face & Voice.
Room Attribute User Override
Determines whether or not biometric data will be used to distinguish and or attribute in the transcript.
Streaming Attendee Mode
Determines whether or not meetings created by users with this policy are able to utilize the meeting overflow capability.
Allow Breakout Rooms
Determines whether or not meetings created by users with this policy are able to utilize the Breakout Rooms feature.
Teams Camera Far End PTZ Mode
Determines whether or not meetings created by users with this policy are able to utilize the Camera Far-End PTZ Mode.
Allow Meeting Reactions
Determines whether or not meetings created by users with this policy are able to utilize the Meeting Reactions feature.
Meeting Settings
Logo URL
URL to a logo image. This is included in the meeting invite.
Legal URL
URL to a website containing legal information and meeting disclaimers. This is included in the meeting invite.
Help URL
URL to a website where users can obtain assistance on joining the meeting.This is included in the meeting invite.
Custom Footer Text
Text to be used on custom meeting invitations.
Disable Anonymous Join
Determines whether anonymous users are blocked from joining meetings in the tenant.
Enable QoS
Determines whether Quality of Service Marking for real-time media (audio, video, screen/app sharing) is enabled in the tenant.
Client Audio Port
Determines the starting port number for client audio. Minimum allowed value: 1024 Maximum allowed value: 65535 Default value: 50000.
Client Audio Port Range
Determines the total number of ports available for client audio. Default value is 20.
Client Video Port
Determines the starting port number for client video. Minimum allowed value: 1024 Maximum allowed value: 65535 Default value: 50020.
Client Video Port Range
Determines the total number of ports available for client video. Default value is 20.
Client App Sharing Port
Determines the starting port number for client screen sharing or application sharing. Minimum allowed value: 1024 Maximum allowed value: 65535 Default value: 50040.
Client Media Port Range Enabled
Determines whether custom media port and range selections need to be enforced. When set to True, clients will use the specified port range for media traffic. When set to False (the default value) for any available port (from port 1024 through port 65535) will be used to accommodate media traffic.
Client App Sharing Port Range
Determines the total number of ports available for client sharing or application sharing. Default value is 20.
Messaging Policies
Name of the teams messaging policy.
Allow Giphy
Determines whether a user is allowed to access and post Giphys.
Allow Memes
Determines whether a user is allowed to access and post memes.
Allow Owner Delete Message
Determines whether owners are allowed to delete all the messages in their team.
Allow Stickers
Determines whether a user is allowed to access and post stickers.
Allow Url Previews
Use this setting to turn automatic URL previewing on or off in messages.
Allow User Chat
Determines whether a user is allowed to chat.
Allow User Delete Message
Determines whether a user is allowed to delete their own messages.
Allow User Translation
Determines whether a user is allowed to translate messages to their client languages.
Allow Immersive Reader
Determines whether a user is allowed to use Immersive Reader for reading conversation messages.
Allow Remove User
Determines whether a user is allowed to remove a user from a conversation.
Allow Priority Messages
Determines whether a user is allowed to send priorities messages.
Provide a description of your policy to identify purpose of creating it.
Giphy Rating Type
Determines the Giphy content restrictions applicable to a user. Possible values are STRICT, MODERATE or NORESTRICTION.
Read Receipts Enabled Type
Use this setting to specify whether read receipts are user controlled, enabled for everyone, or disabled. Possible values are UserPreference, Everyone or None.
Channels In Chat List Enabled Type
Possible values are: DisabledUserOverride, EnabledUserOverride.
Audio Message Enabled Type
Determines whether a user is allowed to send audio messages. Possible values are: ChatsAndChannels, ChatsOnly, Disabled.
Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the tenant account whose external user communication policy are being created.
Allow User Edit Message
Determines whether a user is allowed to edit their own messages.
Pstn Usage
An online PSTN usage (such as Local or Long Distance) that can be used in conjunction with voice routes and voice routing policies.
Display Name
Display Name of the Team.
Description of Team.
Group ID
The ID of the associated O365 group.
Mail Nick Name
MailNickName of O365 group associated with Team.
Owners of the Team.
Visibility of the Team.
Allow Add Remove Apps
Allow add or remove apps from the Team.
Allow Giphy
Allow giphy in Team.
Giphy Content Rating
Giphy content rating of the Team.
Allow Stickers And Memes
Allow stickers and mimes in the Team.
Allow Custom Memes
Allow custom memes in Team.
Allow User Edit Messages
Allow members to edit messages within Team.
Allow User Delete Messages
Allow members to delete messages within Team.
Allow Owner Delete Messages
Allow owners to delete messages within Team.
Allow Delete Channels
Allow members to delete channels within Team.
Allow Create Update Remove Connectors
Allow members to manage connectors within Team.
Allow Create Update Remove Tabs
Allow members to manage tabs within Team.
Allow Team Mentions
Allow mentions in Team.
Allow Channel Mentions
Allow channel mention in Team.
Allow Guest Create Update Channels
Allow guests to create and update channels in Team.
Allow Guest Delete Channels
Allow guests to delete channel in Team.
Allow Create Update Channels
Allow members to create and update channels within Team.
Show In Teams Search And Suggestions
Determines whether or not private teams should be searchable from Teams clients for users who do not belong to that team.
Teams Settings
Allow Box
Designates whether users are able to leverage Box as a third party storage solution in Microsoft Teams. If True, users will be able to add Box in the client and interact with the files stored there.
Allow DropBox
Designates whether users are able to leverage DropBox as a third party storage solution in Microsoft Teams. If True, users will be able to add DropBox in the client and interact with the files stored there.
Allow Email Into Channel
When set to True, mail hooks are enabled, and users can post messages to a channel by sending an email to the email address of Teams channel.
Allow Google Drive
Designates whether users are able to leverage GoogleDrive as a third party storage solution in Microsoft Teams. If True, users will be able to add Google Drive in the client and interact with the files stored there.
Allow Guest User
Designates whether or not guest users in your organization will have access to the Teams client. If True, guests in your tenant will be able to access the Teams client. Note that this setting has a core dependency on Guest Access being enabled in your Office 365 tenant.
Allow Organization Tab
When set to True, users will be able to see the organizational chart icon other users' contact cards, and when clicked, this icon will display the detailed organizational chart.
Allow Resource Account Send Message
Surface Hub uses a device account to provide email and collaboration services (IM, video, voice). This device account is used as the originating identity (the from party) when sending email, IM, and placing calls. As this account is not coming from an individual, identifiable user, it is deemed anonymous because it originated from the Surface Hub's device account. If set to True, these device accounts will be able to send chat messages in Skype for Business Online (does not apply to Microsoft Teams).
Allow Scoped People Search and Access
If set to True, the Exchange address book policy (ABP) will be used to provide customized view of the global address book for each user. This is only a virtual separation and not a legal separation.
Allow Share File
Designates whether users are able to leverage ShareFile as a third party storage solution in Microsoft Teams. If True, users will be able to add ShareFile in the client and interact with the files stored there.
Allow Skype Business Interop
When set to True, Teams conversations automatically show up in Skype for Business for users that aren't enabled for Teams.
Content Pin
This setting applies only to Skype for Business Online (not Microsoft Teams) and defines whether the user must provide a secondary form of authentication to access the meeting content from a resource device account. Meeting content is defined as files that are shared to the Content Bin - files that have been attached to the meeting.
Resource Account Content Access
Require a secondary form of authentication to access meeting content.
Restricted Sender List
Senders domains can be further restricted to ensure that only allowed SMTP domains can send emails to the Teams channels. This is a comma-separated string of the domains you'd like to allow to send emails to Teams channels.
Allow Egnyte
Designates whether users are able to leverage Egnyte as a third party storage solution in Microsoft Teams. If True, users will be able to add Egnyte in the client and interact with the files stored there.
Teams Upgrade
Download Teams
The 'Download Teams' property allows admins to control whether the Skype for Business client should automatically download Teams in the background. This Boolean setting is only honored on Windows clients, and only for certain values of the user's TeamsUpgradePolicy. If NotifySfbUser=true or if Mode=TeamsOnly in TeamsUpgradePolicy, this setting is honored. Otherwise it is ignored.
SfB Meeting Join Ux
The 'SfB Meeting Join Ux' property allows admins to specify which app is used to join Skype for Business meetings, even after the user has been upgraded to Teams. Allowed values are: 'SkypeMeetingsApp' and 'NativeLimitedClient'. 'NativeLimitedClient' means the existing Skype for Business rich client will be used, but since the user is upgraded, only meeting functionality is available. Calling and Messaging are done via Teams. 'SkypeMeetingsApp' means use the web-downloadable app. This setting can be useful for organizations that have upgraded to Teams and no longer want to install Skype for Business on their users' computers.
Tenant Dial Plan
The 'Identity' property is a unique identifier that designates the name of the tenant dial plan. 'Identity' is an alphanumeric string that cannot exceed 49 characters. Valid characters are alphabetic or numeric characters, hyphen (-) and dot (.). The value should not begin with a (.).
The 'Description' property describes the tenant dial plan - what it's for, what type of user it applies to and any other information that helps to identify the purpose of the tenant dial plan. Maximum characters: 512.
External Access Prefix
The 'External Access Prefix' property is a number (or set of numbers) that designates the call as external to the organization. (For example, to tenant-dial an outside line, first press 9.) This prefix is ignored by the normalization rules, although these rules are applied to the remainder of the number. The 'Optimize Device Dialing' property must be set to True for this value to take effect. This property must match the regular expression [0-9]{1, 4}: that is, it must be a value 0 through 9 and one to four digits in length. The default value is 9.
Optimize Device Dialing
Specifies if the dial plan should optimize device dialing or not.
Simple Name
The 'Simple Name' property is a display name for the tenant dial plan. This name must be unique among all tenant dial plans within the Skype for Business Server deployment.This string can be up to 49 characters long. Valid characters are alphabetic or numeric characters, hyphen (-), dot (.) and parentheses (()).
Upgrade Policy
Identity of the Teams Upgrade Policy.
Mode defines in which client incoming chats and calls land as well as in what service (Teams or Skype for Business) new meetings are scheduled in. 'Mode' also governs whether chat, calling, and meeting scheduling functionality are available in the Teams client.
Notify Sfb Users
Determines whether users who are assigned this policy will see a notification in their Skype for Business client about a pending upgrade to Teams. In addition, if NotifySfBUsers=true and TeamsUpgradeConfiguration has DownloadTeams=true, Win32 versions of Skype for Business will silently download the Teams client.
Description of the policy.
User role in Team.
Team Name
Team NAme.
UPN of user to add to Team.
Voice Routes
Identity of the Teams Voice Route.
A description of what this online voice route is for.
Number Pattern
A regular expression that specifies the phone numbers to which this route applies. Numbers matching this pattern will be routed according to the rest of the routing settings.
Online Pstn Gateway List
This property contains a list of online gateways associated with this online voice route. Each member of this list must be the service Identity of the online PSTN gateway.
Online Pstn Usages
A list of online PSTN usages (such as Local, Long Distance, etc.) that can be applied to this online voice route. The PSTN usage must be an existing usage (PSTN usages can be retrieved by calling the Get-CsOnlinePstnUsage cmdlet).
A number could resolve to multiple online voice routes. The priority determines the order in which the routes will be applied if more than one route is possible.
Voice Routing Policy
Identity of the Teams Voice Routing Policy.
Online Pstn Usages
A list of online PSTN usages (such as Local or Long Distance) that can be applied to this online voice routing policy. The online PSTN usage must be an existing usage (PSTN usages can be retrieved by calling the Get-CsOnlinePstnUsage cmdlet).
Enables administrators to provide explanatory text to accompany an online voice routing policy. For example, the 'Description' might include information about the users the policy should be assigned to.
Teams ⯈ Channels
Team Name
Name of the team the Channel belongs to.
Display Name
Current channel name.
Channel description.
Teams ⯈ Channels ⯈ Channel Tabs
Team Name
Display Name of the Team.
Channel Name
Display Name of the Channel.
Display Name
Display Name of the Channel Tab.
Teams App
Id of the Teams App associated with the custom tab.
Sort Order Index
Index of the sort order for the custom tab.
Web Site Url
Url of the website linked to the Channel Tab.
Content Url
Url of the content linked to the Channel Tab.
Remove Url
Url of the location used to remove the app.
Last updated
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