Power Platform Reports
Power Platform reports provide insight into the state of your Power Platform environments.
This article contains information on six Power Platform reports available through the Report Center:
You can also find the Power BI reports under the Power Platform filter. For more information on those reports, look at the Power BI reports article.
Power Platform Reports are currently available as a free preview, allowing you to explore its benefits at no cost.
Power Platform Environments Report
The Power Platform Environments report provides a complete overview of your Power Platform environments and gives summarized data about their users and content.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button located on the left side of the screen.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Power Platform Environments report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
On the Power Platform Environments report, the default columns displayed are:
Name of the Power Platform environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
The Power Platform Environments report can be exported as PDF and XLSX files. The option to schedule the report is also available.
Power Apps Inventory Report
The Power Apps Inventory report gives a complete overview of all your Power Apps across every environment.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button on the screen's left side.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Power Apps Inventory report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
The Power Platform Environments report opens, where the default columns displayed are:
Name of the environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
Selecting one or more environments provides the Run Report button. This generates the Power Apps Inventory report for the selected workspaces.
Here, you can find the following information in the columns:
Name of the app
Environment - which environment the app belongs to
App Type - the number of apps contained within the environment
Bypass Consent
Primary Owner - shows who is the primary owner of the app
Created By - shows who the app was created by
Created On - shows when the app was created on
Modified On - shows the last time the app was modified
Last Launched - when the app was last launched
License Designation - what license is assigned to the app
Owners - the owners of the app
Shared With - who the app is shared with
Shared With Everyone - if the app is shared publicly
External Users - what external users have access to the app
Used Flows - number of used flows for the app
Versions - number of app versions
Published Version - the name of the version that was published
Description - the description for the app
Open App URL - the link to the app
Unique Users in Last 30 Days - number of unique users in the last 30 days
Launches in 30 Days - number of times the app was launched in the last 30 days
In the top left corner, you can also select a specific view for the report:
All Apps
Inactive Apps
Orphaned Apps
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
App ID
Maker Region
Active Owners
Unique Users in Last 7 Days
Launches in the Last 7 Days
Unique Users in Last 90 Days
Launches in the Last 90 Days
Unique Users in Last 180 Days
Launches in the Last 180 Days
Power Automate Inventory Report
The Power Automate Inventory report provides a complete overview of all your Power Automate Flows across every environment.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button on the screen's left side.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Flow Inventory report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
The Power Platform Environments report opens, where the default columns displayed are:
Name of the environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
Selecting one or more environments provides the Run Report button. This generates the Flow Inventory report for the selected workspaces.
Here, you can find the following information in the columns:
Name of the Power Automate Flow
Environment - which environment the flow belongs to
Type - the type the flow is
Primary Owner - shows who is the primary owner of the flow
Created By - shows who the flow was created by
Created On - shows when the flow was created on
Modified On - shows the last time the flow was modified
Owners - how many owners of the flow there are
External Users - how many external users there are
Connectors - how many connectors are in the flow
Used by Apps - which apps use the flow
Number of Actions - number of actions taken in the flow
Number of Triggers - number of triggers in the flow
Runs in Last 30 Days - number of runs for the flow in the last 30 days
Failed Runs in Last 30 Days - number of failed runs
Last Run Date - the last date the flow was ran
Last Run Duration - how long the last flow run lasted
Status - current status of the flow
In the top left corner, you can also select a specific view for the report:
All Flows
Inactive Flows
Orphaned Flows
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Flow ID
Runs in Last 7 Days
Failed Runs in Last 7 Days
Runs in Last 90 Days
Failed Runs in Last 90 Days
Runs in Last 180 Days
Failed Runs in Last 180 Days
Active Owners
Power Platform Connections Report
The Power Platform Connections report provides a complete overview of all your Power Platform Connections across every environment.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button on the screen's left side.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Power Platform Connections report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
The Power Platform Environments report opens, where the default columns displayed are:
Name of the environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
Selecting one or more environments provides the Run Report button. This generates the Power Platform Connections report for the selected workspaces.
Here, you can find the following information in the columns:
Name of the environment and the Power Platform Connections within the environment
Status - of the connection
Type - the type of the Power Platform service it is
Error Status Message - what error status message the connection has
Created By - shows who the connection was created by
Created On - shows when the connection was created on
Modified On - shows the last time the connection was modified
Expires on - the date and time on which the connection expires
Connection Type - the type of connection it is
Tier - the tier the connection belongs to
The additional column available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, is the Creator Sign-in Status.
Power Automate Permissions Report
The Flow Permissions report gives insight into the permissions granted to Power Automate Flows.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button on the screen's left side.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Flow Permissions report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
The Power Platform Environments report opens, where the default columns displayed are:
Name of the environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
Selecting one or more environments provides the Run Report button. This generates the Flow Permissions report for the selected workspaces.
Here, you can find the following information in the columns:
Name of the environment and flow
Type - the type of Power Platform service it is
User Permissions
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Power App Permissions Report
The Power App Permissions report gives insight into the permissions granted to Power Platform Apps.
Generate Report
Click the Reports button on the screen's left side.
Select the Power Platform category in the filter in the upper left corner.
Click the Power App Permissions report tile to be redirected to the Selection screen.
Report Data
The Power Platform Environments report opens, where the default columns displayed are:
Name of the environment
Type of environment it is
Created By - who created the environment
Created On - which date and year the environment was created on
Apps - the number of apps contained within the environment
Flows - the number of flows contained within the environment
Connectors - the number of connectors contained within the environment
External Users - the number of external users in the environment
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Release Cycle
Environment ID
Selecting one or more environments provides the Run Report button. This generates the Power App Permissions report for the selected workspaces.
Here, you can find the following information in the columns:
Name of the environment and app
User Permissions
Type - the type of Power Platform service it is
The additional columns available in the column chooser, located in the top right corner of the report, are:
Last updated
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