Inventory Reports

This article provides a detailed overview of the reports available for Sites, Microsoft Teams & Groups, and Users when viewed as a collaborator.

Through SysKit Point, you can effectively manage documents, streamline communication, improve teamwork, enhance productivity, and much more by utilizing the Sites, Users, Microsoft Teams & Groups, and Dashboard features located on the home page of SysKit Point.

Please note: You can only view workspaces where you are the owner and users whom you manage.

Sites Report

The Sites feature provides a centralized location to store and manage documents, making it easier to access, edit, and share files securely. With control over permission and access, you can give access to external users when needed, as well as remove access from members that are no longer necessary. This ensures that all data included in the sites you manage is protected and secure.

The Sites dashboard helps you gain insight into your most important properties and metadata, such as assigned sensitivity labels, privacy, sharing settings, who the primary admin is, and more.

You can access the Sites features by clicking the Sites button on the home page of SysKit Point.

For details on what actions can be taken on the Sites screen, take a look at this article.

Microsoft Teams & Groups

The Microsoft Teams & Groups feature provides a collaboration workspace ideal for a project or team management, file storage, and seamless communication, making teamwork efficient, easy to track, and manage.

The Microsoft Teams & Groups dashboard provides insight into the properties and metadata relating to the Microsoft Teams & Groups in your environment, such as the number of members, owners, and guests in a specific Team or Group.

You can access the Microsoft Teams & Groups features by clicking the Microsoft Teams & Groups button on the home page of SysKit Point.

For details on what actions can be taken on the Microsoft Teams & Groups screen, take a look at this article.


The Users feature provides a directory of all user accounts that you are the manager of, along with their level of access. It simplifies the management of user accounts and makes it effortless for you to remove users, assign roles, or change permissions given.

The Users dashboard provides insight into all the users in your environment and an overview of key data relating to them, such as who is a manager, which department a user is in, if they have a license assigned, whether they're an external user and more.

You can access the Users features by clicking the Users button on the home page of SysKit Point.

For details on what actions can be taken on the Users screen, take a look at this article.


The Dashboard feature provides a quick overview of the state of your workspaces in one compact place.

You can access your dashboard by clicking the Dashboard button on the home page of your SysKit Point.

The Dashboard screen provides the following options for collaborators:

  • Inventory - provides insight into the number of Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Groups, Sites, or OneDrives that you are in charge of, as well as the number of inactive workspaces

  • Users - provides an overview of the total number of users that are a part of your workspaces, as well as specifics such as the number of external users, users with blocked sign-in, inactive users, and administrators

  • External Collaboration - provides insight into the number of external users, sites with external sharing, links shared with anyone, and sites shared with anyone when it comes to the workspaces you manage

  • Storage - shows how much storage was taken by your Sites, Microsoft Teams, or Microsoft Groups

For details on what actions can be taken on the Dashboard screen, take a look at this article.

Last updated

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