
This article showcases how you can utilize Syskit Point webhooks with ServiceNow.

In this article, you can find steps to set up a ServiceNow integration with Syskit Point.

This setup will allow you to automate the provisioning of Microsoft 365 workspaces directly from ServiceNow by using Syskit Point’s API.

All the prerequisites needed for this to work are explained in the 3rd Party Integrations Using Webhooks article.

Setting up ServiceNow Integration

The first step is to configure OAuth credentials in ServiceNow.

  • Add the OAuth credentials in ServiceNow to allow ServiceNow to authenticate against Syskit Point’s API securely

  • Store OAuth credentials as System Properties

In ServiceNow, navigate to System Properties and add the following custom properties for secure access:

  • provisioning.client_id

    • Set this property to your Syskit Point Client ID.

  • provisioning.client_secret

    • Set this property to your Syskit Point Client Secret.

  • provisioning.tenant_id

    • Set this property to your Directory (Tenant) ID.

  • provisioning.application_id

    • Set this property to your Syskit Point API Application (Client) ID.

Next, create a custom request form in ServiceNow to capture the required details for provisioning Microsoft 365 workspaces.

This form will gather the information that Syskit Point needs to complete the provisioning process.

Define the Form Fields:

  • Go to Service Catalog > Maintain Items and create a new catalog item for “Workspace Provisioning.”

  • Add the following fields:

    • Site/Team Name (text): The name of the workspace to be provisioned. (Type: Single Line Text, Variable name: site_name, mandatory)

    • Site/Team Description (text): A brief description of the workspace. (Type: Single Line Text, Variable: site_description, mandatory)

    • Owners (multi-select dropdown): A field to select users who will have ownership rights. Configure this field to pull user data from the sys_user table. (Type: List Collector, Variable: owners, mandatory)

    • Members (multi-select dropdown): A field to select users to add as members, also referencing sys_user. (Type: List Collector, Variable: members, mandatory)

The image above shows the Request Form that Users can use to request provisioning of new workspaces.

Next, you need to set up an approval workflow.

  • Configure the catalog item’s workflow to include an approval step

    • This step ensures that the request is reviewed before triggering the Syskit Point API call

  • Use the ServiceNow workflow designer to adjust the workflow for your business process. Once approved, Run the Script script listed below.

Integration script

You can use the prepared script below as a part of your workflow.

This script integrates ServiceNow with Syskit Point's provisioning engine to create a new team based on a ServiceNow request item.
The script retrieves user emails and other request details from ServiceNow, formats the data, and sends it to Syskit Point's provisioning API.
Setup Instructions:
1. Replace `apiEndpoint` with the Syskit Point API URL for provisioning.
2. Store sensitive OAuth credentials (e.g., clientId, clientSecret, etc.) in ServiceNow properties for secure access.
3. Set `templateId` to 1 initially, as required by Syskit Point. This ID should be retrieved from Syskit Point based on your template setup.
Note: Ensure that each request variable (e.g., `site_name`, `owners`, `members`) is properly defined on the ServiceNow request item.
(function executeAPIRequest(current) {
 // **API Endpoint Configuration**
 // The endpoint for Syskit Point's provisioning engine. Replace with your actual endpoint URL.
 var apiEndpoint = ""; // Example endpoint
 try {
 // **OAuth Credentials Configuration**
 // Retrieve OAuth credentials from ServiceNow properties for secure access.
 // These credentials are required to authenticate with Syskit Point's API.
 var clientId = gs.getProperty('provisioning.client_id', 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'); // Replace with property name or actual ID
 var clientSecret = gs.getProperty('provisioning.client_secret', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'); // Replace with property name or actual secret
 var tenantId = gs.getProperty('provisioning.tenant_id', 'YOUR_TENANT_ID'); // Replace with property name or actual tenant ID
 var applicationId = gs.getProperty('provisioning.application_id', 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID'); // Replace with property name or actual app ID
 // **Template ID for Provisioning**
 // Syskit Point uses template IDs to specify the type of resource to provision.
 // Set `templateId` to 1 or another ID based on your Syskit Point setup.
 var templateId = 1;
 // **Retrieve ServiceNow Request Variables**
 // Get site name, description, and other details from the current ServiceNow request item.
 var siteName = current.variables.site_name ? String(current.variables.site_name) : "Default Site Name";
 var siteDescription = current.variables.site_description ? String(current.variables.site_description) : "Default Description";
 // **Retrieve Owners and Members**
 // Owners and members should be provided as comma-separated sys_id values.
 // This function retrieves their email addresses based on these sys_ids.
 var owners = getEmailsFromSysIds(current.variables.owners);
 var members = getEmailsFromSysIds(current.variables.members);
 // **Prepare the API Request Payload**
 // Format the request body to meet Syskit Point's provisioning API requirements.
 var requestBody = {
 "templateId": templateId,
 "displayName": siteName,
 "desiredUrl": createSlug(siteName), // Generate a URL-friendly slug from the site name
 "owners": owners,
 "members": members,
 "description": siteDescription,
 "comment": "Auto-generated by ServiceNow " + current.number,
 "metadata": {},
 "isPrivate": true // Default to private; adjust as needed for your use case
 // **Log the request payload for debugging and verification**
 gs.log("Prepared request body: " + JSON.stringify(requestBody), "SiteRequest");
 // **Execute the Provisioning API Call**
 // Retrieve the OAuth bearer token and call Syskit Point's API with the formatted request payload
 var response = callProvisioningAPI(getBearerToken(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, applicationId), requestBody);
 gs.log("API Response: " + response, "SiteRequest");
 } catch (e) {
 // **Error Handling**
 // Log any unexpected errors for troubleshooting purposes
 gs.error("Unexpected error in executeAPIRequest: " + e.message, "SiteRequest");
 // **Helper Function: Create a URL-friendly Slug**
 // This function converts a string (e.g., site name) into a URL-friendly slug by removing spaces and special characters
 function createSlug(text) {
 return text
 .replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, '') // Remove non-word characters
 .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with hyphens
 .replace(/-+/g, '-'); // Collapse multiple hyphens
 // **Helper Function: Get Emails from sys_id List**
 // This function accepts a comma-separated list of sys_ids and returns an array of corresponding email addresses.
 function getEmailsFromSysIds(sysIds) {
 sysIds = String(sysIds); // Ensure sysIds is treated as a string
 var emails = [];
 if (!sysIds) return emails;
 // Split and retrieve each email for corresponding user sys_ids
 var idList = sysIds.split(',');
 idList.forEach(function(userSysId) {
 var userGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
 if (userGR.get(userSysId)) {
 return emails;
 // **Helper Function: Get OAuth Bearer Token**
 // This function retrieves an OAuth token needed to authenticate with Syskit Point's provisioning API.
 function getBearerToken(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, applicationId) {
 try {
 var authUrl = "" + tenantId + "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
 var authRequest = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
 authRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
 var requestBody = "client_id=" + clientId + "&client_secret=" + clientSecret +
 "&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=" + applicationId + "/.default";
 var authResponse = authRequest.execute();
 var authResponseBody = JSON.parse(authResponse.getBody());
 return authResponseBody.access_token;
 } catch (e) {
 gs.error("Error retrieving bearer token: " + e.message, "SiteRequest");
 return null;
 // **Helper Function: Call the Provisioning API**
 // This function sends a POST request to Syskit Point's provisioning API with the bearer token and formatted request payload.
 function callProvisioningAPI(token, requestBody) {
 try {
 var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
 request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
 request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
 var response = request.execute();
 return response.getBody();
 } catch (e) {
 gs.error("Error calling provisioning API: " + e.message, "SiteRequest");
 return null;

By following these steps, you can integrate ServiceNow with Syskit Point, enabling seamless provisioning of Microsoft 365 resources directly from your service desk.

This process streamlines approvals, enhances resource management, and provides your users with a unified experience.

Last updated

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